Superhero Party Decor

With all the fun and excitement of the birthday girl’s party I almost forgot to show you what I made for her birthday as well as her cupcake toppers.

Well folks, here it is… {*suspenseful music playing}…

Here is the Superhero Pledge, the Certificate and Medal that each Hero received after completing the obstacle course.  The kids ate it up!  They actually believed in the pledge and recited it word for word!  Cute Cute Cute!

I also made these cupcake toppers for the supergirl.  She wanted as many heroes as possible so I made 4 of the most popular ones I could think of!

Wonder Woman



I loved making these cupcake toppers, but forgot to take pictures of them on the cup cakes.  Luckily Tan did but he’s not here 🙁 he’s at work and so are the pictures (he took them with his cell phone).

One of the other fun things we made -well actually Tan made- was this super cool weight!

I was talking to Tan about our girl’s birthday and how I wanted a weight for the kids to pose with and he came up with this rocking weight just hours before the party!  He is the MAN!  I can’t believe how great this looks!!  Thank Babe your awesome! 😉

I had always wanted to make Peg Dolls for the kids and decided to make a set for my Nena.  Here is the end results…

I started out with Spiderman and eventually added the rest of the heroes to the mix. I think it looks pretty good for my first try.  I then made the villains…

I made each villain to match the heroes.  Batman vs. Joker, Superman vs. Bizzarro and so on…  I even got the gang to pose for a final shot before hell broke loose and the fighting began!

Well folks, here they are in their Super Glory! 😉  Now I have requests from the kids to make more peg dolls.  Maybe I’ll create some princess or Disney inspired characters?  Hmm.. we shall see 😀

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