Happy S’more Day

Have you ever tried a s’more?  No?  Me neither.  I see the commercials and read the blogs but I have never tried a s’more.  I think last year my girls made s’mores as a family fun day snack with their cousin, but I never tried it.

Well, it’s national S’mores Day!  And in honor of this special day, I thought I’d share some pretty cool variations of s’mores with you fine folks! Check them out!

Wanna try having a french toast a la s’more for breakfast?:

Source: Buns in my Oven

or maybe you prefer some s’more cakes in a jar:

Source: How Sweet It Is

Have you tried making s’mores with Peeps?:

Source: Serious Eats

How about some chocolate chip s’mores:

Source: Kraft Foods

I have to admit they all look pretty good and I’m kinda tempted to maybe try a recipe or two?  How about you what’s your favorite s’more recipe?~

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