How to Decorate a Small Christmas Tree this Holiday
This post is about How to Decorate a Small Tree for the Holiday season.
Why we bought a Christmas Tree
Today I wanted to share with you how to decorate a simple tree for this holiday season. Last year a lot of our Christmas decorations had to be thrown away because they were almost 20 years old and have seen better days. What we could donate we did but those that were in disrepair was thrashed. ☹️
Our old tree is was still in pretty good shape but it’s small and we’ve been wanting to get a larger tree for a few years. One day we were decorating our old tree when half our lights we were stringing blew out. Since they were so old we decided to buy new lights at Target. While at Target, they were having an awesome sale on Christmas trees and I was sucked in.
Purchasing our Christmas Tree at Target
I found my tree. A beautiful 7.5 foot tree and we got it for a deal. The tree retailed for $130.00 but we got it for $61.00! Yup $61 Bucks.. How? The day we went to target they were having a sale on their trees, with that they also had a sale that if you buy season decor items you get an additional $25 off your purchase of $75 or more. So we got our lights (also on sale) and the tree and boom, savings! I’m really happy with my purchase and plan on having this tree for a long time. Maybe not 20 years long but close to it lol.
Decorating our tree is a family thing. Since we now have three trees (yes three), today I will be focusing on how we decorate our new family tree. Decorating our tree is pretty simple. We usually decorate together as a family each one of us hangs our ornament and we string lights and ribbons. We always keep our trees simple and traditional. I absolutely love how we decorated the tree together and pray that this tradition will be continued when my girls start their own family.
Since some of our store bought tree decorations are gone, I purchased new ornaments and ribbons. We do have a some surviving ornaments that we DIY’ed and some family ornaments that are still in great shape (and aren’t going anywhere) and we are happy with what we have. As for my smaller tree, I’m still keeping it and it will now be in our dining room. This one I will decorate with left over ornaments but next year it will be my themed tree. What theme, I don’t know but next year will be here before you know it!
For those that are wondering about the third tree, Here’s a quick story:
When we sold our first home 5 years ago, we stored our belongings thinking that we were going to find a new home soon enough. We moved in with Harvey’s grandparents (they owned a duplex- and we lived on the second floor) before we knew it, we were there for a year and in that year we celebrated Christmas but since our stuff was in storage and wouldn’t fit the apartment (imagine 2 adults, 3 kids and 2 dogs in a 2 bedroom apartment!)
So on Christmas eve Ava my youngest, who was 4 at the time, started crying. When I asked her why, she said that she was afraid that Santa was going to miss our house because we didn’t have a tree (or any Christmas decorations) so we I grabbed some paper and we DIY’ed some decorations for the home – think snow flakes, candy canes and paper chains. I made a paper wreath and called Harvey hoping that we could get the tree out of storage, but since we couldn’t Harvey did the next best thing.
He went to Target during his work lunch and he and his co-workers walked around the seasonal section hoping to find a tree or something! They managed to find a single white pre-lit 4 foot tree and a small set of ornaments. That night we decorated the tree and Ava went to bed excited for Santa’s visit. It was the best feeling the next morning when she saw the gifts under the tree! Believing that Santa truly came. To this day Harvey and I love telling that story and it remains one of the best Christmas memories. It says so much about my husband, he didn’t think twice and did his best to make it happen for our girls.
For more tips and up to date DIYs follow Hip n Creative on our social media platforms Youtube, Instagram, Tiktok.
This post was about How to decorate a simple Christmas Tree.
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