7 Tips for a productive morning routine

7 Simple Tips for a Smoother Productive Daily Routine

In this post is about 7 Simple Tips for a Smoother Productive daily routine.

I have a morning routine that I stick by as much as possible. It makes the rest of my day run a bit smoother and I read that having a morning routine can help with mental stress and lead to a more productive day. Today I’m sharing some of my 7 simple tips for a smoother productive daily routine.

I usually change my morning routines depending on the season. For example, in the winter I have a 6:30am morning wake up but in the summer my morning starts at 7:30am.

During the Holidays I tend to wake up a bit later and just enjoy my time with my family. Things are usually so hectic during the holiday season anyway, so I just like to make sure that I allow myself some me time during the crazy hustle and bustle.

Here I will be sharing my top daily morning routine that I general stick to that help with a more productive day:

I have created multiple routines in my adult life, some I have stuck to while others fluctuate depending on what I need to prioritize and get done. If I happen to not be very productive I usually forgive myself and continue on. I try to play catch up when I can but if not, there is always tomorrow to finish what I didn’t today.

tips for a smoother daily routine

1. Self-Care Routine

Create a self care routine. Every morning I wake up and brush my teeth I also take a few seconds to thoroughly wash my face. I also brush and style my hair and get dressed for the day. You really feel ready to start your day with just a few simple routines.

2. Drink Water

I usually drink a glass of water daily and try to at-least drink 40oz of water a day. I know that we’re supposed to drink more and I’m working my way up to that but for now I’m happy with my daily water intake.

tips for a productive daily routine

3. Eat Breakfast

This is something I struggle with. Sometimes I can have scrambled eggs and a side of toast and other times I get a little sick in the morning. I have gotten better and usually can have something to eat about an hour after I get up. In that hour before breakfast I have started to implement a workout routine to help keep me energized.

4. Get Dressed

I have always been in the habit of getting dressed every morning ever since I was little girl. This was instilled in me as a habit from my parents. As a kid I hated it but now it’s just a routine I don’t mind. To make it easier for me I usually pick out what to wear the night before and set it up in my closet to just grab and go. I always check the weather to know what to prepare for.

go for a walk tips for a productive daily routine

5. Go for a Walk

When weather permits I go for a nice walk around my neighborhood. I usually do about 1 mile or 2 and afterwards I feel great! Something about a long walk on a nice day gets the mind and body feeling amazing. I have to give credit to my husband, he has always been an active guy and has encouraged me to do the same. I feel so much more energetic and ready for the day.

6. Check my Planner/Create To Do List

I usually plan my week the Friday before the start of the following week. Once I have my week planned, on the actual morning of that day I see what I need to do and create my to do list. Writing a to-do list with a check box helps me to keep track of what to work on and actually checking things off my to-do list is so satisfying.

meditation tips for a productive daily routine.

7. Meditate, Yoga or Stretch

Since I have a lower back problems from an injury that limits my movements, I find that doing some morning stretches/yoga helps me immensely. A few years ago I went to a physical therapist for help with my back issues. Although the therapist was not a nice person to work with, I did manage to retain some of the tips and kept print outs he gave me to help with at home stretches. I try to do my morning stretches every day, which allows me to go on walks afterwards and on days I can’t move due to inflammation and pain, I meditate.

I try my best to do my daily morning routines but there are days when I can’t for whatever reason. On those days I try my best to fit these routines in as soon as I can. There are times when I’ll go on evening walks or yoga during lunch. I try my best to not give up and it has been an amazing journey.

What are some of your daily habit/ routines that help ease your day? I’d love to hear it so please comment below.

This post was about 7 Simple Tips for a Smoother Productive Daily Routine

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