Myers-Briggs Personality Quiz

Have you heard of the Meyers-Briggs personality quiz?  I came across it over the weekend (not sure when or where) and I thought it would be fun to take the quiz and see what “personality” I am.

Here is my result:


Apparently I’m “The Mediator”, which is pretty much on point with my personality.  I do have a sense of shyness about me.  I absolutely hate being the center of attention but love to shower others with it. etc, etc..

I think this is pretty cool and accurate for the most part, there are a lot of comments that I don’t think are true but nothing is ever perfect.  Only you know the real you, right?

Want to take the quiz?  Go here and check out what your Meyers-Brigg personality type is and come on back here and leave me a comment.  I’d love to know if there are any fellow INFP personalities like me or any other for that matter.




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