Nature and Religion

So Azul tells me today that she has a homework project due on Monday (yes, tomorrow).  Her assignment:  to walk around the park and find 10 things that represent 10 quotes from the bible -for her religion class.  I was taken off guard with this assignment.  I mean how to look at nature and tie…

Kitchen Remodeling

Tan and I have decided to remodel our kitchen.  When we first bought our home about 9 years ago we completely gutted the house except for 2 areas:  The kitchen and the bathroom.  At the time they were the only two areas that didn’t need any work, so why mess with what’s not broken, right?…

Caught in the Act

Ok so today I was playing with my camera (something I do on a daily basis) when I noticed a few pics that weren’t there before.  Have a look… These are the only non blurry photos my Chica has taken.  Notice though the last picture is of herself!!!  I guess she didn’t realize she’d get…


Today is my Birthday!!!  I usually don’t make a big fuss about my birthday but decided to just have fun and roll with it.  I’m going to relax and have ice cream all day and…, no I’m going to sew and read and…, no wait I’m going to watch movies and get a massage…  No…