Summer Vacation

Phew!!!  Am I tired!!  The passed few days have been full non stop projects as well as the last day of class for my eldest girl.  We’ve been getting ready for the summer by getting a kiddie pool as well as planning some trips for the summer.  Summer Vacation is officially today and I can’t…

Kindergarten Graduation

Wow I cannot believe how fast time flew!  I mean just the other day I was taking my kids to school.  One in fourth grade (yikes) and the other in kindergarten!  Now my kindergartener had her graduation ceremony and is going to first grade!  I still can’t believe it.  It’s a bitter sweet thing for me.  I…

My Personal Haven

For a very long time now I have always wanted my very own little craft area.  Somewhere I can create, draw, doodle and be inspired.  As many creative people know, we tend to collect many different finds and add them to our growing collection.  When I first started crafting (at 12)  I used to have…

Arsty Smartsy Family

This passed Monday there was a news report on High School Students giving back to the community.  I’m proud to say that my eldest nephew was one of the wonderfully talented students that was in the newscast.  I’m sure my sister is prouder than anyone being that she raised her kids as a single mom….

Gift Ideas

Mother’s day is a few weeks away but I’m already planning and plotting for great custom made gifts.  One of the gift ideas I have in mind is a key finder.  I often find myself plopping my keys in my purse but when I need them I have to dig inside my purse to find…

Going to the Drive-In

Ever since I was a little girl I’ve always wanted to go to the drive-in theatre.  I’ve only been to the movie theatres (and that was twice!) and when I was older many of the dates Tan and I had were to the movies. I never knew drive-ins truly existed (except in movies) until Tan had taken…

My Cell Phone Blings

A while back Tan and I bought matching cell phones.  He did some research and like the Motorola Cliq.  I too liked the phones but didn’t want my phone to look exactly like Tan’s.  So Tan got us cell phone cases to protect our phones, since having a 2 year old that loves cell phones,…

My Peeps

This year  Tan and I made these awesome little baskets for our girls.  It was a fun, inexpensive way to give them something our chicas would love but wouldn’t cost us a ton of money. But as always, I also had a hankering to make something, so I made these adorable Peep Bunnies!  They were very easy to…

Vet Visit

Well it’s that time of year when I take my pups to visit the Vet.  This time around I went to a new Veterinarian Hospital that opened up about a month ago around the corner from my neighborhood.  It is a lovely place and the people there are very friendly and accomodating.  I absolutely love…

DIY Playkitchen

Head on over to HERE for a great tutorial on making a play kitchen for your little one.  I have three girls that would love for me to make one for them.  I’m even thinking of making a washer/dryer using a similar technique.  Wish me luck!!