Hello Insta!

So I’m totally loving instagram now! I mean I’ve had an instagram account for about six months or so but I really didn’t *know* what instagram was all about. I knew that you could take a picture and give it that filtered look but that’s about it. But boy ohh boy was I wrong! I…

She is now 12

This week my eldest baby turned 12.  She has grown up to quite a lovely girl.  Not only is she a great big sister, but she is also Tan’s buddy.  You should hear them talking and laughing -they have a blast together and I LOVE that!  They have such a wonderful and strong bond.  She is definitely…

Giving Thanks

The Holidays are upon us so quickly.  It feels like just the other day summer was ending and bam!- Thanksgiving is tomorrow!!  I thought I’d take this time to reflect on the many blessing I have in my life and to give Thanks! First I must give Thanks to my Husband, Tan.  He has been…