Surviving Winter

Baby It’s cold outside and I for one would rather snuggle up with my honey and watch movies and just use this day as a lazy day!  When I went to bed last night I knew I was gonna wake up to a sheet of snow covering my entire block.  I also knew that I’d…

Craft Club?

I LOVE to craft and yes by now I’ve mentioned it enough for you the roll your eyes as I state it once again, I LOVE TO CRAFT!  I love everything about it!  I just don’t have anyone to really talk to about my passion.  Sure Tan is great and he listens to me go…

Nature and Religion

So Azul tells me today that she has a homework project due on Monday (yes, tomorrow).  Her assignment:  to walk around the park and find 10 things that represent 10 quotes from the bible -for her religion class.  I was taken off guard with this assignment.  I mean how to look at nature and tie…

Summer Vacation

Phew!!!  Am I tired!!  The passed few days have been full non stop projects as well as the last day of class for my eldest girl.  We’ve been getting ready for the summer by getting a kiddie pool as well as planning some trips for the summer.  Summer Vacation is officially today and I can’t…

My Personal Haven

For a very long time now I have always wanted my very own little craft area.  Somewhere I can create, draw, doodle and be inspired.  As many creative people know, we tend to collect many different finds and add them to our growing collection.  When I first started crafting (at 12)  I used to have…